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An Apology for Idlers and Other Essays

An Apology for Idlers and Other Essays

BuchKartoniert, Paperback


Although we know him primarily as the charismatic author of Treasure Island (1883), Kidnapped (1886), Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), and A Child's Garden of Verses (1885), Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) began his career as a witty and innovative essayist. This collection includes a selection of fifteen of Stevenson's most poignant, amusing and personal essays on subjects such as deep-sea diving off the coast of Scotland, child's play, death, the medieval poet-thief François Villon, surreal San Francisco, insomnia, and Stevenson's quirky enjoyment of "unpleasant places." An Apology for Idlers and Other Essays includes some of Stevenson's most beloved pieces and lesser-known works that have long been out of print. Stevenson called himself "a literary vagrant." His vagabond spirit and self-deprecation transformed the modern essay. Brimming with esoterica and irony, his essays resist the industrious pace of modern life, entrancing the reader with diverting asides, celebrating the lost art of letting our minds wander. "Look at one of your industrious fellows for a moment," Stevenson beseeches us, "he sows hurry and reaps indigestion." In our increasingly fast-paced world, Stevenson's ethic of idleness can feel simultaneously necessary and alien. An Apology for Idlers and Other Essays features an introduction by editor Matthew Kaiser, which provides rich background information on both Stevenson and the titular essay. One of the few scholarly editions of Stevenson's essays, this meticulously annotated collection is well suited for courses on Stevenson, Scottish literature, late-Victorian literature, life writing, and the art of the essay.Matthew Kaiser is an associate professor and chair of English at the University of California, Merced. He is the author of The World in Play: Portraits of a Victorian Concept (Stanford University Press, 2012), the translator of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's Venus in Furs (Cognella, 2017) and the editor of seven books, including Alan Dale's A Marriage Below Zero (Cognella, 2011) and the forthcoming A Cultural History of Comedy in the Age of Empire (Bloomsbury, 2019).
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EinbandKartoniert, Paperback
Seiten206 Seiten
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Ein wunderbare Geschichte, die viel mehr als einfacher Liebesroman ist.
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Magnifique !
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Die Journalistin Trude Teige hat ihrem Buch historische Fakten und Interviews mit Zeitzeuginnen zugrunde gelegt, weshalb der fiktive Roman eine besonders starke Erzählkraft entwickelt und zu Recht in Norwegen ein Bestseller war.
Hoffentlich auch bei uns!
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Un rythme éffréné, des personnages bien construits et un excellent worldbuilding...Tout y est !
Délaissant cette fois-ci la Science-Fiction pour le document , le nouveau livre d'Alain Damasio nous plonge au coeur de l´effroyable réalité de la Silicon Valley en sept chapitres incisifs. Du siège d'Apple aux voitures sans chauffeurs, des Homeless et des ravages du Fentanyl dans le quartier du Tenderloin, il analyse, dissèque, observe les mutations en cours. Fidèle admirateur de Baudrillard, Deleuze et Guattari, tour à tour sociologue et philosophe, rien ne lui échappe.Et par ses constats empreints de lucidité il nous propose une vision du monde à venir à la fois effroyable et inéluctable ou la folie des hommes s´appuyant sur le développement de technologies ultra novatrices vont provoquer des bouleversements sans précédents; la déshumanisation est d´ores et déjà omniprésente dans notre quotidien et ne va que progresser tranquillement au coeur de nos sociétés . Damasio tire la sonnette d´alarme en nous faisant passer le message que la Science Fiction qui nourrit son oeuvre depuis toujours devient réalité ou plutôt cauchemar dans cette vallée du silicone qui ne connaît plus de limites. Cet essai se termine avec une nouvelle absolument fascinante et terriblement angoissante ou l´avenir idyllique promit par la Silicon Valley se transforme en un véritable délire apocalyptique. Est-il deja trop tard ou avons nous toujours la possibilité de négocier avec les machines?


1850-1894Novelist and essayist, was born at Edinburgh, the son of Thomas Stevenson, a distinguished civil engineer. His health was extremely delicate. He was destined for the engineering profession, in which his family had for two generations been eminent, but having neither inclination nor physical strength for it, he, in 1871, exchanged it for law, and was called to the Bar in 1875, but never practised.From childhood his interests had been literary, and in 1871, he began to contribute to the Edinburgh University Magazine and the Portfolio. A tour in a canoe in 1876 led to the publication in 1878 of his first book, An Inland Voyage. In the same year, The New Arabian Nights, afterwards separately published appeared in magazines, and in 1879, he brought out Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. In that year, he went to California and married Mrs. Osbourne. Returning to Europe in 1880, he entered upon a period of productiveness which, in view of his wretched health, was, both as regards quantity and worth, highly remarkable.The year 1881 was marked by his unsuccessful candidature for the Chair of Constitutional Law and History at Edinburgh, and by the publication of Virginibus Puerisque. Other works followed in rapid succession. Treasure Island (1882), Prince Otto and The Child's Garden of Verse (1885), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped (1886), Underwoods (poetry), Memories and Portraits (essays), and The Merry Men, a collection of short stories (1887), and in 1888, The Black Arrow.In 1887, he went to America, and in the following year visited the South Sea Islands where, in Samoa, he settled in 1890, and where he died and is buried. In 1889, The Master of Ballantrae appeared, in 1892, Across the Plains and The Wrecker, in 189, Island Nights Entertainments and Catriona, and in 1894, The Ebb Tide in collaboration with his step-son, Mr. Lloyd Osbourne.By this time his health was completely broken, but to the last he continued the struggle, and left the fragments St. Ives and Weir of Hermiston, the latter containing some of his best work. They were published in 1897.Though the originality and power of Stevenson's writings was recognised from the first by a select few, it was only slowly that he caught the ear of the general public. The tide may be said to have turned with the publication of Treasure Island in 1882, which at once gave him an assured place among the foremost imaginative writers of the day. His greatest power is, however, shown in those works which deal with Scotland in the 18th century, such as Kidnapped, Catriona, and Weir of Hermiston, and in those, e.g., The Child's Garden of Verse, which exhibit his extraordinary insight into the psychology of child-life; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a marvellously powerful and subtle psychological story, and some of his short tales also are masterpieces. Of these Thrawn Janet and Will of the Mill may be mentioned as examples in widely different kinds. His excursions into the drama in collaboration with W.E. Henley - Deacon Brodie, Macaire, Admiral Guinea, Beau Austin, - added nothing to his reputation. His style is singularly fascinating, graceful, various, subtle, and with a charm all its own.John W. Cousin, 1910A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature