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The Bedtime Book of Animals

Take a peek at more than 100 of your favourite animals


A must-have illustrated introduction to the animal kingdom, including over 50 of the world's favourite animals!

Introducing The Bedtime Book of Animals, a must-have animal reference book for all early readers who are keen to explore animals from all over the globe. Turn each page to find out more about a wide variety of animals, from teeny-tiny insects to gigantic elephants and whales. The Bedtime Book of Animals showcases creatures from each of the core animal groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates) in six dedicated chapters. Many pages are devoted to a different creature, with others featuring a collection of animals from the same family, and some explore more than one animal type, giving bite-sized chunks of accessible information to help early learners get to know new species.

Discover beautiful illustrations, storybook text, and key terms highlighted on each page, this amazing animal book is a wonderful and comprehensive introduction to animals around the world. There are also reference pages that dive in deeper to explore animal classification, food chains, habitats, and even endangered and extinct animals.

A fun-filled journey into the animal kingdom awaits you, promising:

-A must-have introduction to a wide variety of animals from around the world
-Introduces essential information about each species in a friendly, accessible way
-Colourfully illustrated, with light annotation of key features
-Reinforces early animal vocabulary, and builds awareness of connections in the animal kingdom
-Fully illustrated, with a bright colour palette and fresh feel.

From rabbits and red pandas, starfish to songbirds, endangered animals and exploring the food chain, The Bedtime Book of Animals is a beautiful, fully-illustrated non-fiction title, with evocative, engaging picture book text that can be read aloud - perfect for parents/carers and children to enjoy at bedtime. A must-have volume to add to every 3-5 year old's library, this is a one-hit introduction to animals, featuring more than 50 best-loved and lesser-known animals from around the world.

Did you know that the topic of animals is universally popular and this is a tried-and-tested non-fiction genre, which can help to develop early understanding of the natural world in young readers, as well as developing soft skills such as empathy, kindness and care in 3-5 year olds? Perfect for parents and educators seeking to introduce core animal knowledge at a young age, including how to recognise animals, animal categorisation and key features. A friendly, factual, timeless gift book, The Bedtime Book of Animals will be treasured forever.
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Product TypeBook
Publishing date02/06/2022
Pages144 pages
Article no.31643838
Data source no.2912914
Title Group32021
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Zeshan Akhter writes picture books and young adult fantasy. Her writing reflects her wonder of existence, her ethnic ancestry and her empathy for the suffering of people. Having studied zoology at Cardiff University, Zeshan has worked in nature conservation for eighteen years. She has concluded that the bewildering variety of life on earth, and the cosmos itself, are improbable! Zeshan lives in Edinburgh between the sea, the hills and the cultural banquet of that beautiful city.

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