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THE NO. 1 BESTSELLERbr>br>BRITISH BOOK AWARDS, NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEARbr>br>THE SUNDAY TIMES, MEMOIR OF THE YEARbr>br>BOOKS OF THE YEAR: THE TIMES, OBSERVER, GUARDIAN, EVENING STANDARDbr>br>Now in paperback featuring a new introduction by Michelle Obama, a letter from the author to her younger self, and a book club guide with 20 discussion questions and a 5-question Q&A, the intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the United Statesbr>br>In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her -- from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world''s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it -- in her own words and on her own>br>Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations -- and whose story inspires us to do the same.>
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Type de produitLivre de poche
ReliureCartonné, Poche
Date de parution02.03.2021
N° article10673202
CataloguesPropre catalogue
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Great Christmas gift!
Je i lu ce livre dans sa traduction française, ce livre m'a vraiment émue. Quel parcours...
à lire
Can you remember the last time you felt utterly amazed by looking at some natural phenomena, experienced utter bliss by listening to a music record or felt childlike wonder at discovering something new. Dacher Keltner investigates this feeling that transcends our understanding. It was delightful reading this non-fiction story.
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Learn the SUCCESs formula and enjoy many fascinating stories on the way.


Michelle Obama served as First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School, Mrs. Obama started her career as an attorney at the Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin, where she met her future husband, Barack Obama. She later worked in the Chicago mayor's office, at the University of Chicago, and at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Mrs. Obama also founded the Chicago chapter of Public Allies, an organization that prepares young people for careers in public service. She is the author of the #1 global bestseller Becoming and the #1 national bestseller American Grown. The Obamas currently live in Washington, D.C., and have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.



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