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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

The Definitive Guide to Relationships, Thorsons Classics
Livre de pocheCartonné, Poche
Produits associés


The legendary relationships guide that mothers recommend to their daughters, friends give as gifts and brothers steal from their sisters, MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS is inarguably the definitive book on having a happy relationship. ''A treasure'', ''a bible'' and ''an heirloom'' are some of the words used to describe the book that has saved countless relationships and improved innumerable others. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, this phenomenal book continues to carry its legacy of understanding and trust into the world. Since its first publication, over a staggering 15 million copies of MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS have sold globally to single men and women looking for guidance on how to find the perfect partner, married couples seeking to strengthen their bond, and divorcees hoping to fathom where it all went wrong. Gray''s insights into how to allow your other half to ''pull away'' like an elastic band, prevent your emotional baggage from polluting your current relationship, and translate the phrases of the opposite sex are as relevant now as when they were first published. With straightforward, honest writing from that precious male perspective, Gray unlocks the secrets hidden in your partner''s words and actions to enable you both to reach true mutual understanding and a lifetime of love. Discover for yourself why thousands believe that MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS should be mandatory reading for everyone.
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Type de produitLivre de poche
ReliureCartonné, Poche
Date de parution31.12.2002
Pages307 pages
N° article5154214
Source des données n°1945984
Plus de détails


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John Gray, Ph.D., is the author of the international phenomenon Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which sold over a staggering 15 million copies worldwide. An internationally-renowned authority on communication and relationships, he is also a psychologist, writer and lecturer who has been conducting seminars in major cities for over 20 years.

John lives in California with his wife Bonnie.

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