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Little Book of Resilience

How to Bounce Back from Adversity and Lead a Fulfilling Life
Livre de pocheCartonné, Poche


Most of us set out quietly hoping, and secretly expecting, that we will live a happy, successful and healthy life. But life doesn't always go to plan.
Resilience is about developing flexibility, acceptance and self-compassion when those plans go awry.
In this beautifully illustrated book, Matthew Johnstone guides the reader to an understanding of how resilience plays a key role in wellbeing. He offers an accessible roadmap to developing and maintaining resilience and how it can help you overcome and learn from difficult life events.
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Type de produitLivre de poche
ReliureCartonné, Poche
Date de parution01.03.2022
Pages112 pages
N° article29113964
Source des données n°8563756
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In a former life, Matthew Johnstone was a successful creative in advertising. He worked all around the world and won many coveted industry awards. He has since taken that skill of communicating simply and effectively into writing and illustrating books and public speaking. Matthew has published 9 books many of which have been bestsellers internationally. He gave a keynote to 87 representatives at the World Health Organisation of the power of imagery in understanding difficult to articulate subjects such as mental health, meditation, resilience and stress. Matthew's work has been endorsed by Stephen Fry, Edward de Bono, Google and the World Health Organisation. He is one of six, Australia wide, that have been nominated for the 2018 Australian Mental Health Awards for his outstanding work in the mental health and wellbeing space. His simple motto is 'Flicking Switches with Pictures'.
