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The Myth of Normal

Illness, Health and Healing In a Toxic Culture
Livre de pocheCartonné, Poche




We tend to believe that normality equals health. Yet what is the norm in the Western world?

Mental illness and chronic disease are on an unstoppable rise. How did we get here?
And what lies ahead for us?

'It all starts with waking up... to what our bodies are expressing and our minds are suppressing.'

In this life-affirming book, Gabor Maté connects the dots between our personal suffering and the relentless pressures of modern life - showing that ill health is a natural reflection of our disconnection from our true selves. Drawing on four decades of clinical experience, and stories of people transforming their bodies and minds, Dr Maté offers a hopeful pathway to reconnection and healing.
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Type de produitLivre de poche
ReliureCartonné, Poche
Date de parution04.04.2024
Pages576 pages
N° article33189793
Source des données n°8607888
Plus de détails


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Dr Gabor Maté, with Daniel Maté

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