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T'as vu le plan ? 100 plans cultes (ou pas) et ce qu'ils nous apprennent sur le cinema

apprennent sur le cinema


T'as vu le plan ? 100 plans cultes (ou pas) et ce qu'ils nous apprennent sur le cinéma Quelque part entre " action " et " coupez ", des univers entiers naissent. Face à un film, nous nous sommes tous retrouvés tôt ou tard marqués par un plan. Un mouvement de caméra, un moment intense, une réplique, une beauté captée, une erreur... Un plan peut autant sauver un film que le torpiller. Cent plans ! Cent plans classés en neuf catégories, sur lesquels on peut se rincer l'oeil, rire, s'émouvoir ou s'interroger. Ici, vous allez voir des images fixes... mais il ne s'agit pas de les figer. Le défi va être de vous faire ressentir la vie qui les imprègne et les rend mémorables. Il y aura du plan culte, oui... mais pas que. Une expérience de cinéma sous toutes ses facettes. Un parcours totalement subjectif, pour voir ce qu'on peut en tirer d'universel. Pour que chacun, quel que soit son univers de cinéma, puisse y trouver son compte. Un ouvrage à parcourir comme on veut, pour y puiser ce que l'on veut.
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Type de produitLivre
Date de parution25.10.2018
N° article20024514
Source des données n°9791030102734
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In her memoir, Britney Spears unveils a deeply personal narrative that surpasses the depth of any documentary. Spears courageously shares her journey from childhood stardom to the relentless scrutiny of superstardom, offering readers an unfiltered glimpse into her world.

What sets this memoir apart is its raw authenticity. Spears doesn't shy away from the darkness, instead confronting it head-on with resilience and grace. Through her candid storytelling, she dismantles tabloid narratives, reclaiming her own truth with empowering vulnerability. Reading this book feels like being confided in by a trusted friend, like a heart-to-heart conversation.

Despite the challenges she faced, Spears emerges not as a victim, but as a survivor who finds strength in her music, family, and unwavering determination. Her memoir is a powerful reminder of the human behind the headlines and the importance of staying true to oneself amidst adversity. For fans of Spears and those intrigued by the real story, The Woman in Me is a captivating, shocking and inspiring read.
In her memoir, Britney Spears unveils a deeply personal narrative that surpasses the depth of any documentary. Spears courageously shares her journey from childhood stardom to the relentless scrutiny of superstardom, offering readers an unfiltered glimpse into her world.

What sets this memoir apart is its raw authenticity. Spears doesn't shy away from the darkness, instead confronting it head-on with resilience and grace. Through her candid storytelling, she dismantles tabloid narratives, reclaiming her own truth with empowering vulnerability. Reading this book feels like being confided in by a trusted friend, like a heart-to-heart conversation.

Despite the challenges she faced, Spears emerges not as a victim, but as a survivor who finds strength in her music, family, and unwavering determination. Her memoir is a powerful reminder of the human behind the headlines and the importance of staying true to oneself amidst adversity. For fans of Spears and those intrigued by the real story, The Woman in Me is a captivating, shocking and inspiring read.
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