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Tales of Japanese Folklore
Tales of Japanese FolkloreTales of Japanese Folklore

Tales of Japanese Folklore

BuchKartonnéiert, Täschebuch


The ancient traditions of Japan hold profound lessons that continue to shape its culture today. This comprehensive work delves deeply into the folklore that has informed Japanese spirituality, values, and way of life for centuries. Within these pages, you will encounter a pantheon of kami spirits, shape-shifting foxes, and fearsome yokai monsters. Explore the rich tapestry of regional folktales, legends, and creation myths that have been passed down through oral tradition. Discover how festivals, rituals, and performing arts both celebrated and appeased the natural world. See how the Japanese people developed a unique relationship with their environment, one deeply rooted in respect, gratitude, and stewardship.This authoritative guide to Japanese folk belief systems offers new insight into the psychological roots of industriousness, community, and duty to one's ancestors so characteristic of Japanese society. Walk the path of understanding traditional wisdom that has guided the Japanese people since ancient times. An illuminating journey for those seeking to comprehend both modern Japan and ourselves.
Méi Beschreiwung


Type vum ProduitBuch
CoverKartonnéiert, Täschebuch
Joer vun der Parutioun14.02.2024
Säiten248 Säiten
Artikel Nr15334232
Méi Detailer


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Maher Asaad Baker (In Arabic: ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿) is a Syrian Musician, Author, Journalist, VFX & Graphic artist, and Director, he was born in Damascus in 1977. Since his teens, he has been building up his career, starting by developing applications and websites while exploring various types of media-creating paths.He started his career in 1997 with a dream of being one of the most well-known artists in the world.Reading was always a part of his life as he was always surrounded by his father's books, but his writing ability didn't develop until a later age as his most time was occupied with other things such as developing, writing songs and music, or in media projects production, he is most known for his book "How I wrote a million Wikipedia articles" and a novel entitled "Becoming the man".
