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Gratis Versand a ganz Lëtzebuerg ab 25 €
Design Basics
Design BasicsDesign Basics


Design Basics covers a wide range of topics, from the historical roots to an outlook on the near future, from compréhensive product functions to the complex design process, theoretical foundations to descriptive case studies. The central theme is product design, taking the conflicting interests of consumers, producers, and designers into consideration. This volume appeals to interested users as well as committed entrepreneurs, inquisitive technicians and aspiring designers from the msot diverse sectors. It is a compact introduction to industrial design, written by specialists on the dield with many years of experience as product designers, design managers, ergonomists and design educators at various universities.
Méi Beschreiwung


Type vum ProduitBuch
CoverKartonnéiert, Täschebuch
Joer vun der Parutioun15.08.2019
Säiten244 Säiten
Artikel Nr12924890
Méi Detailer



Gerhard Heufler (1944-2013) was an Austrian industrial designer and co-founder of the degree program Industrial Design at the FH JOANNEUM in Graz. He received numerous national prizes for design. Michael Lanz , born in 1965, is one of the three directors of the strategic design con - sulting agency designaffairs GmbH. Since 2014 he has been head of the Institute for Product and Transportation Design at the FH JOANNEUM in Graz. Martin Prettenthaler , born in 1969, is free - lance designer and architect, and teaches at the degree program Industrial Design of the FH JOANNEUM. He organizes exhibi - tions and symposiums on the topic design.

Méi Bicher vum Heufler, Gerhard/Lanz, Michael/Prettenthaler, Martin
