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Insight: Intermediate Student Book

Insight: Intermediate Student Book

BuchKartonnéiert, Täschebuch


The insight Student's Book is a core component of the course, providing everything your students need to engage with their language learning in the classroom. The interesting and thought-provoking topics in the Student's Book are based on actual facts and real-life events that students can find out more about at home. The lively and attractive design combined with cutting edge content and integrated video and audio material will appeal to digital, media aware and tech-savvy teenagers. Vocabulary is widely explored through the coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, the Vocabulary insight pages, and the ten-page Vocabulary bank. Strategy boxes in every unit help students gradually develop their skills by working on specific aspects of grammar and vocabulary in each unit, e.g. identifying paraphrase, taking notes, and writing opening sentences.
Méi Beschreiwung


Type vum ProduitBuch
CoverKartonnéiert, Täschebuch
Joer vun der Parutioun14.02.2013
Säiten143 Säiten
Artikel Nr2668131
Méi Detailer


Read this classic Jane Austen novel before watching its Netflix adaptation !

In true Austen style, we follow a young lady, Anne Elliott, as she struggles to move on from a broken engagement from the man she loves Frederick Wentworth, a modest sailor. But, as chance or fate would have it, they meet again. Will their feelings still be the same after all this time ? Or will this be an uncomfortable encounter ?

Witty and romantic, this is an absolute must-read <3



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