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insight: Upper-Intermediate. Workbook

insight: Upper-Intermediate. Workbook

BuchKartonnéiert, Täschebuch


The Workbook supports the lessons in the Student's Book with extra exercises for every lesson, a unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary-style definitions, and a grammar reference and practice section which is linked to the grammar lessons in the Student's book. The Workbook also contains optional extra lessons and activities in the form of the Literature insight bank which will introduce your students to classic pieces of English Literature. The Exam insight sections offer preparation and practice for school leaving exams and the Workbook also contains a twenty page grammar and reference section that contains comprehensive grammar explanations and further practice.
Méi Beschreiwung


Type vum ProduitBuch
CoverKartonnéiert, Täschebuch
Joer vun der Parutioun10.04.2014
Säiten136 Säiten
Artikel Nr2668137
Méi Detailer


Read this classic Jane Austen novel before watching its Netflix adaptation !

In true Austen style, we follow a young lady, Anne Elliott, as she struggles to move on from a broken engagement from the man she loves Frederick Wentworth, a modest sailor. But, as chance or fate would have it, they meet again. Will their feelings still be the same after all this time ? Or will this be an uncomfortable encounter ?

Witty and romantic, this is an absolute must-read <3



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